Untitled from alison kitt on Vimeo.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Baby Steps
Baby Steps from Michael Telschow on Vimeo.
These experiments are the beginnings of small "baby steps" into a whole new way of approaching video. Being so used to same old visuals this was challenging, and I had to work hard at finding the resources to create some of the effects, but once I was able to use what I found to create new images I loved what I saw. I am looking forward to the possibilities in the next extended project.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
My Perception
World of Viewing
The parallel universe view is what I would like to believe is happening right now and will forever. It is sort of a two part view. The first part being that everything in your control that didn’t happen happened. Everything that you didn’t say, you said. Every thought you had, you acted upon it. This is shown on a wall of monitors. A lot of monitors. If a movie would be shot like this I would like to make it an interactive piece and make it like one of those choose your adventure books. The second part is a little harder to describe for it’s in real time but at the same time past and future. It would go a little like the actions that you did in the past you can see happen at the current time that you are seeing this in someone else that you feel that you have a connection/can relate to. I would say an example of this would be if you saw someone that you could’ve turned into and you feel that there was connection that you knew everything about that person and they took a different path then you and you are currently seeing them now. It also works with what you want/going to do such as for some a settle down and have a family or get a job as a car salesman. One day you go out for dinner with a couple of friends and see a family sitting in the corner and something about that family just clicks with you in the way that everything you would want it to be. All of your opinions about whoever you are married to looks like and how that correlates with how many children you have and how they are dressed. Everything about that family is just perfect and you can see yourself as that person being it the wife or husband. Back to the first part of this parallel universe viewing I think can be best said in the scene of The Matrix: Reloaded when Neo finds the architect.
My third view would to see what the world would look like from the eyes of a dog. The vision of a dog is not what I had previously known as just gray but includes colors from a light, soft yellow to white to a light, soft blue, teal, and purple then to gray. I think that it would be kind of cool to see what my canine friend sees. The viewing distance on a dog is also much different than that of a human in the way that an object is the clearest at 20 feet for them and everything else that they are not focusing on is a little blurry.
I See Me, I See You, I See The World
Monday, February 20, 2012
Different figurative and literal ways of seeing
I open the door to my apartment and step outside of it into the main hall. As I turn to my right to walk down the stairs I see a giant, blank, white wall where there could be an Ad. As a graphic designer I see many possible places for ad-space. I imagine a giant banner, maybe ten feet long by three feet wide. Many places are just opportunistic space for advertisements. I walk towards my car and I see all the blank space on both sides and the back of the car. Many people will allow advertisers to place decals on vehicles in exchange for payment. On my drive to work I pass by buildings where an advertiser could paint an ad. In the future I believe that more open spaces and places you see every day will eventually be bought out by advertisers. I see sidewalks becoming a big place for new ad-space to be. Each advertiser could buy a three-foot by three-foot square to place ads on. This could actually be a way for some cities (especially ones with lots of sidewalk traffic such as Los Angeles or New York) to earn a lot more money for repairs to streets and services they provide. The sides of Water bottles or Starbucks coffee cups could even be possible ad-space if the advertisers were willing to pay enough. The ad would probably show up in a small box on the opposite side of the bottle or cup that has the logo on it. There is ad-space all around us, and I’m surprised advertisers haven’t taken more of it up than they already have.
With a little help from my imagination and a little help from my memory, I can imagine being in a state of inebriation. With their senses impaired, everyone views the world differently than when they are sober. I sit in the comfortable warmth of my apartment as I focus my attention to the television in front of me. My peripheral vision blurs and the attention of my hearing goes in and out of focus between the program on TV and my cell phone as it rings. I stand up and feel a little dizzy. I stay standing and make sure I have my balance before I move my legs. I walk toward my cell phone and pick it up. I hold it closer to my face than I usually would to see what the text message says. I realize it is from my friend living two buildings down from me as I read the text that says “come hang out over here”. I feel glad to have heard from my friend and feel like getting out of my place would be fun. I quickly grab my shoes and jacket and throw them on in a sloppy, uncoordinated manner. I then feel my back pockets in order to remind myself that I have my keys and wallet on me. I walk out of my apartment and close and lock the door behind me, then with slightly wobbly legs I quickly walk down two buildings to my friend’s place. The chill of winter seems to immediately touch my spine and sends shivers throughout my body. When I arrive, I think back and wonder how many times I almost stumbled over my own feet. When I knock on the door I feel a cold numbness running through my hand. The door opens; I step inside, and feel dizzy and warm again.
Sometimes I think what it would be like to experience a day as my pet bearded dragon. I would know that I control the temperature of my body and how fast my digestive system works by how often and for how long I am out in the sun, or the light of my heat lamp. I lay basking in the heat most of the time with a warm rock on my belly because it is the most comfortable thing in the world. I lead a fairly easy life knowing that the predator with the fur and sharp claws and teeth living outside of my magic, see-through force field cannot eat me. Sometimes I get scared and feel the need to run when this predator gets too close to my force field, but then it is stopped by another, larger creature who I am excited to see. This creature creates a loud noise by pulling the ceiling away from where I live. Suddenly, I see the small, tasty, chirping creatures rain from above me and my reflexes kick in. I lunge at them one by one as I reach out and grab them with my sticky tongue. I make quick work of these delicious things as I swallow them after four or five chews. Sometimes I sit as still as I can and wait for another to run in front of me, as I know I can outrun them and they cannot run too far away. When I am thirsty I walk over to the pond that I can just fit my entire self in. the sand that I walk in all day finds its way into the water with me. I bath in the water if it is warm as it helps me digest large meals. I lap at the water once with my tongue and my thirst is quenched. I walk back to my basking stone but stop for what seems like hours on the tree branch where I can climb closer to the heat above me. Later in the day the lights turn off and the temperature where I live cools which makes me tired. I crawl to the small space beneath the basking stone away from the commotion of the really large animals communicating with each other and walking around in the space that they live in. I dig a small divot in the sand that I curl up in and close my eyes as my body cools down and my digestion slows. I fall asleep.
Skewed Views
The Way We See Things
Ways of Seeing
Knowledge is the key to seeing any given thing in a different light. An architect will look at a building differently than a person with little architectural background. As a person who works with textiles, I see stitches and patterns when I look at clothing allowing me to be more aware and interactive with cloth than someone who has no knowledge of the subject. This ‘awareness’ can apply to trivial things such as clothing, but it can also be applied to dealing with social issues or even conceptual art. The more time one spends analyzing the world around them, the more they will “see.”
Getting ridiculously close to something allows you to see abstractly, and allows for a breakdown of an object into its essential parts. When you get really close to the TV screen, you can see all the little colored pixels that make up the whole image, but you have no idea what the image is anymore. The use of zoom or macro shots on a camera shows us details that the human eye is incapable of seeing. Igor Siwanowicz photographs insects using the macro setting on his camera and turns “creepy” bugs into beautiful and amazingly intricate creatures. Spider’s eyes are given a friendly and innocent look that rivals the eyes of a baby seal creating an empathetic emotion in the viewer.
I personally love this concept for the metaphors that can be applied to the idea of closeness and sense-of-self. How do we feel once we get close to someone? What happens when the sense of closeness abruptly changes?
You can physically change how you see by taking hallucinogenic drugs that have been credited for centuries as inspirational tools for artists. From absinthe to shrooms and LSD, these substances create chemical changes in the brain which alter reality. Some drugs make colors more vivid and create a type of animation in inanimate objects. Others have been said to have the power of transforming the perception of the passage of time. Not hallucinating is a different chemical state of the brain, not necessarily more “real” than the images produced when on drugs. This then leads to asking the question, “What is seeing?”
I feel that drugs may be helpful for some people who want to step out of the restrictions they normally feel when creating art. However, I think that they should be used only on occasion and never as a permanent means of creating art. I also think that artists who rely on drugs get pushed into a category of art that ends up in dorm rooms lit by black lights.
Three Ways Of Seeing
Friday I am asked by my boss to move a broken down car off our premises and take it to its owner who has a business down the road. I climb into my mechanical armor and pick up the Geo Metro with the mech's strong arms, and carry it down the road like a craddled baby in its mother's arms. All the other cars going up and down the road respectively slowed down and passed, giving me plenty of space as I swaggered down the road after dropping my load.
I am wandering into the garden directly behind my house. The water fountain lady of plaster shyly looks away, embarrassed, because she has not poured any water from her vases all winter long. The waterfall of brick has brought forth no gurgling, birds have not bathed in its peaceful flow. The goldfish in the pond do not dart about the lillies, playing hide and go seek.
An awful tower of darkness and foreboding has mystically appeared in my backyard in the same location as the crocus blooms. I am unaware of the intents of whoever malignantly placed it there without asking my permission. You may be sure there will be hell to pay. Nobody builds a tower for dominance, war, or oppression in my back yard and walks away without some amputated limbs, crushed skulls, or plenty of ventilation. I must dress in my best battlegear and face them on the field of battle.
Purgatory, a place somewhere between, where one waits until they pay for services rendered, so they can be released to their destiny. My wife, Heather, and I wait in the local car dealership service waiting room while our Prius has major front end work done. There is an unspoken rule that the captives of waiting room purgatory understand, without talking about it, no one there speaks to one another. You may grab a magazine, read a book, surf the web, watch television, but for God's sake don't talk to one another, nod understanding, or acknowledge one another's existence, this is taboo. Every so often, a guardian will come through the pearly service doors and call someone's name, they are the blessed who will next leave the prison of solitude. They, stoic and silent, walk toward the door and enter into bliss. The rest, left behind, continue to wait, we have no other choice, we wait until our names, too are called, and we too ascend.
Full Metal Grocery Store Video Game could be the title of the newest gaming experience. Each player has his weapons of choice; grocery cart, little basket, debit card, AK-47, and my favorite alien death ray sabre. Four lanes of cheap, sales coupon laden, stock, everything you need in life, from anchovies, radio drip coffee maker, or nylon slip and slide. The gamers move back and forth up and down each aisle, racking up points for picking off their kids when they try to climb to the top of a stack of groceries in boxes. Each new department is a new level, most dangerous of all are the zombies in the frozen meats, they will gnaw on anything. Finally, you gather all your prizes at the checkout and are rewarded by paying the cashier, hopefully you walk away with some points left in the bank. Stupid game!
Ways of Seeing.
Ways of Seeing Essay
Ways of Seeing
New Ways of Seeing
Everyday people take in visual data through their eyes. Most of the time it is just as simple as seeing a tree and recognizing that it is a tree, but what if we can see it as more than that. When I see a tree sometimes I will picture in my mind what it would look like in a printed picture. I can see it in color and in black and white or both in one. Then I think about the background how should the sky look, clear and sunny or cloudy and dull. Then I think about the season how will that tree look in the different seasons and which look would be the look I want to get out of it. Using the tree is only one example, but really anything that can be seen can be visualized in this way. I was on my way to work the other day and passed a small private airport. It was cloudy but there were spots where the sun was coming through the clouds. It looked like spot lights coming out of the sky all up and down the runway and in all different directions. It would have been a great picture, but I did not have my camera. The runway and the lights coming from the sky gave a very cool perspective and I wish I had my camera. I like trying to find scenery like this and imagining what it would look like as a photograph even if I do not have my camera to make it a photograph, I have my eyes and my mind.
Another thing I do is when I see certain objects I imagine what it could be and even look like in another medium. Something as simple as a stack of boxes can inspire something unexpected. In my mind I picture that they are floating in 3-d space and I can view them in a 360-degree space. Which can lead to thinking of cool ways to display those boxes in a re-imagined way. Like hanging them from the ceiling by strings and presenting them in way which is not normal. When I look at an object I can see it as what it is, but I also can be inspired by the object and start to see it in different ways. This will come in handy later in the year when I start to sculpt ice. Seeing an object or animal and being able to see it in ice. Then being able to see the ice and see the objects in the ice block. When I see the objects in different ways it does not have to be the object as a whole, it can be just parts of the whole and used in a way originally unintended. The parts can be used in a verity of different ways. This can help in video art because it will allow me to visualize an outcome of what the project should be and then I will find the objects necessary to make it. By using the tools I have at my disposal I will can produce the pictures in my mind so other people can enjoy them too.
One way of seeing that I need to expand my ways of seeing is when looking at abstract art. I can view objects in some ways that people can not, but abstract art is always something I have a hard time looking at. I always try to identify what it is and try to make connections with things I have seen before. I see things for what they are and or what they could potentially be. When I see something that as no connection with something that I recognize or have heard of it makes it very difficult to view. I need to view the piece with an open mind and forget about what I have seen before so I can view the pieces for their own attributes. I need to focus on what the piece is trying to tell through the colors, shapes, lines and movement. Are the colors bright or dull? Do the shapes have pointed edges or rounded? Are the lines straight or curvy are they uniform or chaotic? I need to ask myself these questions to try and wrap my mind around this kind of art and understand what it is. Especially in abstract video art because a lot of it is very abstract and I really do not get it, but art is anything someone says is art.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Haitsma from marisa haitsma on Vimeo.
My last name means a lot to me because it's my blood and family. It is what was given to me when I came into this unruly world. It's what I carry with me every single day and it's what's called when a teacher is taking role. Of course, they always butchered the heck out of it and after doing this project, I don't blame them.
When I first learned how to say my last name, my dad would say, "it's like your 'ma' is afraid of 'heights'". Simple enough? Not quite for a pre-kindergartener. I would often say "hates-ma" and I finally caught on and learned to pronounce my full name loud and clear.
To emphasize the difficulty that comes with pronouncing my last name, I recorded this video of me repeating it over and over again for two minutes. In that time frame, I learned that "Haitsma" repeated over and over again quickly becomes "my heights".
I finally realize why I have a tongue twister for a last name and now I understand why some teachers and coaches always butchered it.
The idea came to me while I was driving my mini-van to IU South Bend and my inspiration came from seeing a video performed by my professor, Eric Souther, repeating the word, "expectation", Just as my video resulted, the word became a different sound. I suppose any word that you say over and over again for two minutes becomes a different sounding word, whether it be in our minds or our own tongues giving out on us.
This project was a success because I took a word that I say and hear often and placed emphasis on its pronunciation. As a student, teachers and coaches always slaughtered my name by saying, "hates-ma" instead of "Haitsma".
Creative Processing: The act of analyzing your ideas/beliefs/attitudes/thoughts/sights/smells into anything you choose. The creative process is an ever long, ever happening process. It is something or some idea that has happened, is happening, and will happen. It is a continuum that you learn from, that you act on, and that you re-act upon. It is the process that allows everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen. Without it everyone is just…
Monday, February 13, 2012
Flowing Silhouette
Flowing Silhouette from Ryan Weber on Vimeo.
This is me walking in front of a projector that is playing video of me walking in front of a projector. The color changes and effects are messed with while I'm shooting it, so there was no editing afterwards!
It all comes down to this...
Unbeknownst to him, the companion has been dead for a very, very long time. Also unbeknownst to him, there is nothing on the television but white static.
With this video I am playing in the genre of video performance art.
It is meant to be slightly unnerving, but also comedic in a dark sort of way.
Here I am exploring a few issues/ideas, including:
Mental stability
Unhealthy relationships
The "set," designed by my friend Nate Bennett and myself, was originally intended for a different short film but I thought it could lend itself well for this concept. The rubber skeleton is also a prop from the previously mentioned short in progress. I used a wide angle lens so that the viewer could, in one shot, get a decent idea of this character's world. Also, because I saw very little editing in most of the performance art examples I chose to shoot this from one angle and to never cut, keeping things somewhat consistent with the genre from what I've observed thus far. I chose to keep the sound minimal, with only the ambient sounds of the city outside underneath the dialogue.
Untitled from Michael Nespo on Vimeo.
For my video art performance piece I chose to tackle a subject that bothers me as an American. A large majority of Americans are so wrapped up in superficial things that They seem to be blind or asleep to the real important issues that happen in the world. I chose to intermix scenes of social issues that I believe in with footage of myself holding Up words such as, “blind, asleep, heedless, unaware, etc. I chose to film the footage of myself In a long hallway in the basement of my father’s house to give it an “interrogation” or minimalistic feel to it. I also chose to film the footage on my Macbook using the Photo Booth Application to give it a somewhat voyeuristic approach to viewing, like a webcam does. . I also chose to wear a mask in the footage to show the way that most people wear masks to shield themselves from the real world. When people get so masked in their own world they tend to forget the more important issues going on outside their own realm. I used the invert and extract filter effects to give more moodiness to the piece. I feel these effects added more emotion and seriousness to the piece as well. Overall, my message I was trying to get across was that as Americans we need to wake up and deal with the more important issues that are plaguing our society.Disconnected
Connecting from alison kitt on Vimeo.
The "global village" allows us to connect instantly to people all over the world. The use of internet chatting creates an "anonymous" and distant interaction between users. Chatroulette, for example, randomly selects who you are paired up with in a video chat. Being able to see another human being who may never meet you in person creates a world without rules or boundaries. Although the options are endless in terms of creating a unique interaction with a stranger, this freedom is often used (by males) for sexual purposes.
Men visiting this site were willing to ask me to show my breasts, but became uneasy when I refused to break "eye contact." Some shifted their cameras as to not be seen by me anymore, some broke off the connection when I filled the chat space. I feel that my actions are unsettling because they break the illusion that I am simply a image on the screen, and amplifies the fact that they are being watched.