"TV has been attacking us all our lives - now we can attack it back" - Nam June Paik

Friday, February 10, 2012

Calcination: Ashes of Love

I Love you, I kiss you, I tear you in pieces. I tape these pieces back together and then cut them apart with scissors. I burn you, I kiss you, I wipe the ashes from my lips and hands.

Calcination is the first of many alchemical operations. It represents the burning of the ego and all its attachments, which in this case is represented by a photo of a former lover.

This work is an exploration of the genre of performance art, through the study of Marina Abramovic's interviews and performance pieces. It is not necessarily about creating a "fine" piece, but instead the ability to sit with the raw contents of one's own life in front of a camera and to extrude some message.

In the spirit of Abramovic, this video was shot without rehearsal, taking the idea and enacting it only once.


  1. While, with only a kiss to signify and seal the betrayal, seized violently and taken, condemned and judged, ripped apart only to be recovered, again. Offering oneself in the fire as sweet incense. It is such a bittersweet series of thoughtful images. I loved it.
