"TV has been attacking us all our lives - now we can attack it back" - Nam June Paik

Monday, February 13, 2012

It all comes down to this...

A lonely, mentally unstable man watches television with a companion.

Unbeknownst to him, the companion has been dead for a very, very long time. Also unbeknownst to him, there is nothing on the television but white static.

With this video I am playing in the genre of video performance art.

It is meant to be slightly unnerving, but also comedic in a dark sort of way.

Here I am exploring a few issues/ideas, including:

Mental stability
Unhealthy relationships

The "set," designed by my friend Nate Bennett and myself, was originally intended for a different short film but I thought it could lend itself well for this concept. The rubber skeleton is also a prop from the previously mentioned short in progress. I used a wide angle lens so that the viewer could, in one shot, get a decent idea of this character's world. Also, because I saw very little editing in most of the performance art examples I chose to shoot this from one angle and to never cut, keeping things somewhat consistent with the genre from what I've observed thus far. I chose to keep the sound minimal, with only the ambient sounds of the city outside underneath the dialogue.

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